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FKX Match Making Integration

Farm Konekt’s Matchmaking Services serve as a dynamic catalyst, fostering collaboration between agricultural clusters, trading centers, and industrial players. Our comprehensive approach extends beyond connecting buyers and sellers; we’re dedicated to optimizing the entire supply chain.

In a significant stride toward a more interconnected and data-driven agricultural landscape, Farm Konekt seamlessly integrates existing trading centers and distribution hubs into its robust platform. This strategic integration empowers industrial plants by providing them with invaluable insights into clustered supply data.

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Market Integration with E Commerce, Distributors,
Processors and Agregators

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Data Insights

Farm Konekt embraces a dynamic Data Insights Business Model, revolutionizing agriculture by leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative approaches. Through comprehensive data analysis, we empower stakeholders to make informed decisions, driving sustainable development and maximizing impact.

Unlock the Power of Data from clustered data base: Our agritech digitization clustering solutions for farmers and fisherfolk deliver invaluable data insights. We seamlessly connect investors with real suppliers, fostering industrial and value chain investments. These insights enable development partners to gauge grassroots capabilities, facilitating collaborative projects with the government. Additionally, our system generates impact metrics for meticulous monitoring and evaluation, ensuring a data-driven approach for meaningful impact.

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Development Planning and Impact Investing

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FK Financing Integration

Integration partner for Financing institutions to deploy funds for clustered groups especially those who needs to to comply in Agri-Agra Law or provide financing to smallholder producers

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Fund Facilitation from Philippine based
financing companies and Development Partners

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FK Agritech integration

Farm Konekt stands at the intersection of agricultural prowess and technological innovation, offering an unprecedented opportunity for Agritech companies to synergize with organized farming clusters. Our business model facilitates a seamless integration wherein Agritech entities, specializing in technologies such as satellite services and AI, can offer their cutting-edge solutions to our pre-organized and efficient clusters.

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We are excited to announce a groundbreaking collaboration between Farm Konekt and SDEC Sarawak Malaysia, solidified through a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). This strategic partnership aims to integrate innovative solutions from Sarawak’s forward-thinking innovators into the dynamic agricultural landscape of the Philippines, facilitated by Farm Konekt’s robust platform.

Integration Sevices for Input provider, logistics and AgriTech service providers

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Want to see our tools?

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Farmer/Fisherfolk Clustering Solutions

Office Address

Unit 1, CCT Building, San Miguel, National Highway,
Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, PH

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